At 10 weeks gestation 99.4% of pregnancies in which a fetal heartbeat is identified, will continue to termīabyvision can establish the number of babies you are expecting and if a twin pregnancy is identified it is easier to identify the type of twin pregnancy at this early stage.
At 8 weeks gestation 98% of pregnancies in which a fetal heartbeat is identified, will continue to term.
At 7 weeks gestation 95% of pregnancies in which a fetal heartbeat is identified, will continue to term.
At 6 weeks gestation 78% of pregnancies in which a fetal heartbeat is identified, will continue to term.
By seeing your baby’s heartbeat at this stage we can give you the following reassurances. We will point this out for you to see and take a trace of your baby’s heartbeat. This is assessed by showing your baby’s heartbeat. Viability (Check on your baby’s heartbeat) If your baby is over 14 weeks gestation we will take measurements of your baby’s head (bi-parietal diameter and head circumference) and femur (thigh bone).The measurements will give you an Expected Date of Delivery (EDD). This measurement can be used accurately up to 14 weeks gestation. This is called the Crown Rump Length (CRL). We will check the gestational age of your baby by measuring from the top of your baby’s head to your baby’s bottom. If you would like some reassurance that your pregnancy is progressing well, then you may wish to book our early dating / reassurance scans which are available at Babyvision from as early as 6 weeks gestation.